
Nnewi Can Be Divided Into Four Communities With One Traditional Ruler-Charles Nwoye

by Brown Ebubechukwuzuloke

– We need more state constituencies
– Nnewi should be a federal constituency
– We are disadvantaged in power-sharing

The President-General of Uruagu Nnewi Community, Hon. Amb. Charles Nwoye, has called for additional State House of Assembly seats , to bring more development to the town.

Speaking to Anaedoonline.com, Hon. Charles Nwoye said that the population  has grown and that the town needs more representatives at both the federal and state level for effective representation and dividends of democracy.

Emphasising on the need for more state constituencies , he argued that Nnewi is politically disadvantaged with the current arrangement, saying that Nnewi should have about four (4) state constituencies.

He said, “Each community  is bigger than Onitsha North and Onitsha South, but while Onitsha North is a state constituency on its own, Onitsha South is also a state constituency. It is unfortunate that as big as Nnewi is, we are struggling with just one state constituency, Nnewi needs about four state constituencies if possible”


“We have a large population and landmass, that is part of what determines a constituency. Uruagu  alone is bigger than Ekwusigo Constituency, check the map, but Ekwusigo is a state constituency”

Charles Nwoye Slams Nzuko-Ora Nnewi, Describe Nnewi Town Hall as a Death Trap (Photos)

“The problem we have is that we are not honest to ourselves because we have failed to do the needful, because of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the four quarters, Otolo, Uruagu, Umudim and Nnewichi”

“It is possible if we have four (4) independent communities and one (1) traditional ruler (Igwe) this will enable us to get what we want from government, but unfortunately, some people think that the Traditional stool, will be changed, the point is that we can come together and make an agreement”.

Speaking further, Hon. Charles Nwoye, said that in Anambra State Association of Town Union (ASATU) women wing, Nnewi is represented as four communities, but Town Union has refused to change the status quo.

He explained that it has all it takes to be a Federal Constituency on its own, based on the voting strength of the town.

He insisted that if the status quo remains the same, Nnewi will keep losing government presence.

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